Thousand Oaks Family Dentistry | Thousand Oaks Dentist

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Zirconia Crown and Bridge Replacement

Subtle changes can have powerful effects in cosmetic dentistry! Check out the crowns and bridge patient's before photos. The opaque shade and rounded features gave these teeth a definite "chiclet" appearance. Additionally, gum recession had left the teeth with dark lines surrounding their bases that contrasted with the white porcelain. By working with the Opus One Dental Laboratory, we were able to create new crowns with more lifelike shape and translucency. Even with similar color shades, the new crowns/bridge look infinitely more natural and beautiful in this patient's mouth. 

If you would like to know more about the amazing transformations we can achieve with crowns, bridges, implants and veneers, give our office a call. We specialize in providing the highest quality dentistry with a personal touch. Come see what Thousand Oaks Family Dentistry can do for you!