Thousand Oaks Family Dentistry | Thousand Oaks Dentist

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Case Presentation: Anterior Crowns

Everyone wants beautiful and uniform teeth, but can you create a smile too "perfect?" In these before pictures, notice how this patient's teeth are smooth, consistently colored and similar in shape. While these qualities sound good on paper, they add up to a less than natural looking smile. We replaced the older porcelain and metal crowns with brand new Emax lithium disilicate restorations. The incisors were lengthened to fill out the smile line and gentle variations were added to the fronts of the teeth. Additionally, the translucent nature of Emax reacts to ambient light similarly to natural teeth. These small changes better mimic real dental enamel, and thus create a more life-like smile. 

If you would like to know more about our cosmetic dental services, please contact our office. We pride ourselves in creating beautiful smiles customized to the individual patient's wants and needs. Schedule an exam today!