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cosmetic dentistry

Case Presentation: Temporary Veneer Update!


Case Presentation: Temporary Veneer Update!

Time for a quick update! We previously reported on this patient's progress when they were still in temporary veneers. Now that the final products have been delivered, the dramatic transformation is complete. All four maxillary incisors were refinished with Emax lithium disilicate veneers that perfectly match the cosmetics of natural enamel. By treating all four teeth, we were able to create excellent symmetry and color matching. You could never tell any dental work was done! 

Veneers offer great cosmetic changes with minimal modification to the natural teeth. Since veneers only bond to one tooth surface, we only need to remove enough enamel to accommodate the new material. If you would like to know more about veneers, what they can treat and why we use them, please call our office! 

Click here to see the previous posting!


Dental Crowns In Thousand Oaks


Dental Crowns In Thousand Oaks

Check out this new video testimonial from one of our very satisfied patients! Twenty years ago, Jennifer suffered from pain and headaches associated with stress on her temporomandibular joint (TMJ). In solving this, her previous dentist used dental crowns to improve the way her teeth came together and ease her TMJ pain. Although the procedure was successful, twenty years of wear combined with gum recession had affected the appearance and function of these restorations. 

Our main focus with this case was creating a long lasting solution that wouldn't bring back Jennifer's headaches and pain. We also wanted to give her a beautiful and natural smile she could be proud of. In doing this, Dr. Kari Ann Hong replaced twelve crowns on her upper arch and six crowns and six veneers on her lower. She used Emax lithium disilicate material instead of the previous porcelain and metal crowns to improve on esthetics and wear. The result is a spectacular smile that keeps Jennifer happy and healthy. For more information on dental crowns, dental veneers and TMJ pain, please email us at or call our office at (805) 480-9820. 


Case Presentation: Midline Correction


Case Presentation: Midline Correction

Here's a great example of one of the more dramatic changes we can achieve using ceramic crowns. This patient came to our office with white and appropriately shaped front teeth, including a crown on the front-left incisor. However, their midline had a noticeable leftward tilt.

In dentistry, midlines have a huge impact on how we perceive teeth and cosmetics. If the line between the two central incisors isn't perfectly horizontal and centered on the face, we perceive the overall smile as crooked or uneven. To correct this patient's midline, we removed the existing crown on the left central incisor and changed the underlying tooth to face more horizontal. We then corrected the right central and lateral incisors to match. Even in temporaries, this patient's smile is instantly more esthetically pleasing. In two weeks, our lab will deliver a set of ceramic crowns that will complete the transformation If you want to know more about midlines, crowns or cosmetic dentistry, please give our office a call!


Case Presentation: Temporary Veneers


Case Presentation: Temporary Veneers

Check out this radical transformation! Today's patient came to us dissatisfied with the color and shape of their anterior teeth. After an exam and consultation, we decided to prepare the teeth to receive cosmetic veneers. For this procedure, only the front and biting surfaces of the teeth are modified to accommodate a thin sheet of esthetic ceramic material.

These before-and-after photos show our patient wearing their temporary veneers. While our lab fabricates the permanent ceramic restorations, these temporaries allow the patient to leave our office with a brand new smile. The final product will be even more natural, symmetrical and translucent- a perfect match to natural teeth! If you would like to know more about veneers, how they are made and if they are right for you, please give our office a call. 


Types of Dental Whitening


Types of Dental Whitening


Tooth whitening provides a quick and dramatic improvement to your overall smile. If you've done some research, you have probably found out that there are a number of products and services on the market today. Here is a quick guide to help you pick the best type of whitening for your specific needs!

Home whitening kits- All whitening products that work utilize some form of hydrogen peroxide. The main difference between an over-the-counter solution and something administered by a dental professional is the concentration of peroxide. Products like Crest Whitestrips will give you similar results to in-office whitening, but over a much longer time frame. Given you needs and expectations, this could be the perfect solution!

Whitening trays- These trays are made from a clear material like Invisalign retainers and are custom molded to your teeth. Since they prevent the peroxide from contacting your gums and cheeks, a higher concentration can be used. They are typically used once a day for two weeks, followed by one day a month for maintenance. 

In-office "Zoom" whitening- Here, whitening solutions are directly applied to the teeth under the supervision of a dental professional. The gums are blocked out using a special material and a very high concentration of peroxide is carefully applied to the teeth. The results are instantly noticeable and long lasting. This method achieves the same results as weeks of OTC whitening in about an hour and a half. 

"Mall Whitening" Kiosks- These stands (usually found in shopping malls) offer whitening services for rates somewhere in between home whitening kits and professional in-office whitening. However, the employees operating these stands are not dental professionals and generally cannot offer any products stronger than what you can buy over the counter. Your money is better spent either with a Whitestrip-type product or in an actual dental office. 

Whitening toothpastes, mouthwashes, floss, etc.- Just about every dental product nowadays advertises some sort of whitening ability. However, don't expect to see huge benefits. They are mostly aimed at surface staining, rather than the deep discolorations that cause yellow/ dark teeth. To get vibrant white teeth, you need to seek out a product that contains hydrogen peroxide. 

Natural whitening remedies- In general, whitening products that don't contain hydrogen peroxide (or some form of peroxide) won't really show any benefits. There are a number of instructions online, involving everything from strawberries to oil pulling, but it is unlikely that any of them will actually work. If you're looking to maintain a whiter smile naturally, cut back on pigmented liquids and drink with a straw when possible.

We hope you found our short run down on whitening useful. As always, if you have any questions, please give our office a call!


Case Presentation: Crown Delivery


Case Presentation: Crown Delivery

Take a look at the amazing work we can accomplish with the help of our dental labs! This patient came to us needing a crown repaired in the front of their mouth. As always, our main concern was delivering a restoration that looked completely natural. After preparing the tooth and making impressions, we took a number of diagnostic photographs to capture the nature of the patient's smile. Using just the photos and impressions, our lab created an unbelievable new crown. The color, shaping and opacity are a perfect match to the existing teeth. If you would like to see more of the esthetic work we perform at our office, check out the "cosmetic dentistry" section on our blog index!


Cosmetic Reconstruction With Emax Crowns and Veneers


Cosmetic Reconstruction With Emax Crowns and Veneers

Today's case is a great example of the importance of color and translucency when designing a crown or veneer in the anterior region. This patient came to our office dissatisfied with their current dental restorations and overall smile esthetics. The crowned teeth appeared unnaturally opaque and presented with a sharp change in color where the teeth met the gum tissue. These crowns were created using porcelain fused to metal (PFM), a classic technique for fabricating tooth colored crowns. While they make very functional restorations, PFMs take away from the natural translucency of teeth due to their solid metal underpinnings. This patient's condition was exacerbated by gingival recession, which revealed contrasting natural tooth structure underneath the crown.

To create a completely natural smile, we utilized Emax lithium disilicate crowns and veneers across the maxillary and mandibular teeth. These crowns are made of a single type of translucent material, and thus transmit light like natural enamel. Similarly, the single piece construction makes these crown very strong, allowing us to replace the PFMs in the posterior region as well. By working closely with our dental lab, we created a set of crowns and veneers that are uniform in shape, color and shade. The final product is a natural and youthful smile designed to stand the test of time! If you would like to know more about crowns, veneers or any other esthetic service offered by our office, please give us a call. 


Case Presentation: Special Veneer Restoration


Case Presentation: Special Veneer Restoration

This case is a great example of the more complex esthetic procedures performed at our office. Today's patient came to us with discoloration and decalcification on their anterior teeth. Additionally, their left lateral incisor (the lightest colored tooth in the before pictures) had an existing crown over a root canal. It had a poor long term prognosis and could not endure any more trauma. With this in mind, Dr. Kari created a set of five veneers that restored symmetry to the patient's teeth while incorporating the esthetics of the previous crown. The result is a more natural and youthful smile that does not compromise the existing dental work. A true win-win!  


Case presentation: Full Anterior Veneers


Case presentation: Full Anterior Veneers

Take a look at this beautiful transformation performed at our office! In the before pictures, notice how the biting surfaces of this patient's anterior (front) teeth are worn down and uneven. Flattened and discolored teeth create an older appearing smile, regardless of age. The new veneers allowed Dr. Hong to develop a uniform and well rounded smile, while correcting the tooth shade. The results are absolutely stunning! If you would like to know more about veneers or any other cosmetic services offered at our office, please let us know!


Case Presentation: Veneer Transformation


Case Presentation: Veneer Transformation

In many cases, veneers provide a drastic change to the the teeth and smile appearance. This patient was no exception, where cosmetic veneers were used in conjunction with a full Invisalign treatment. By removing a small amount of tooth structure, Dr. Hong created room for a set of lithium disilicate veneers to be placed on the four front incisors. These veneers corrected for irregularities in tooth shape, size and dimension. They also allowed her to develop a more robust and youthful profile by adding contour to the front of the teeth. The overall effect is instantly noticeable and we are very happy with the results! If you would like to know more about veneers or would like to schedule a consultation with our office, please give us a call!
