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Patient Services

Case Presentation: Smile Improvement Using Crowns and Veneers


Case Presentation: Smile Improvement Using Crowns and Veneers


In dentistry, many small changes can add up to make a huge difference! Today's patient came to our office dissatisfied with the uneven appearance of their front teeth. Note how the left central incisor has a large chip while the two lateral incisors are very different shapes. Additionally, the teeth do not have a uniform color shade, causing the crown on the patient's right central incisor to stick out noticeably.

Dr. Kari Ann Hong used a combination of three new zirconia veneers and a full zirconia crown on the right central incisor to create a matching shape and color across all the anterior teeth. She also provided minimal recontouring to the gums around the right incisor to create a more symmetric gum line. The result is an undeniably more natural smile! If you would like to know about the services we offer and what Dr. Hong can do for your smile, please give our office a call!


Case Presentation: Invisalign Orthodontics


Case Presentation: Invisalign Orthodontics

Invisalign has made straight teeth a reality for a new generation of adult patients. While traditional braces may not be an option due to esthetic concerns or professional requirements, clear aligners can provide similar results with no visible hardware. In today's patient, Invisalign trays were used to correct minor crowding and spacing issues in the anterior teeth. Notice how the maxillary and mandibular incisors now follow even paths with minimal overlap.

At Thousand Oaks Family Dentistry, we provide Invisalign treatment for long time patients of record with mild orthodontic needs. Severe crowding, cross-bites and complicated spacing issues deserve the attention of an orthodontist. Additionally, it is important to note that Invisalign cannot achieve all the results of traditional braces. Some tooth movements are simply impossible without traditional wires and brackets. To get the whole picture, please visit our office for an exam and consultation!


Case Presentation: Repairing Periodontal Damage


Case Presentation: Repairing Periodontal Damage

According to a recent study put out by the CDC, about half of American adults are affected by periodontal disease. As this condition progresses, the gums and bones recede away from the teeth, eventually leading to their loss. While deep cleanings and medications can stop the spread of the disease, nothing short of extensive surgery can replace lost bone and gums. 

In today's patient, periodontal disease had left them with three lost mandibular incisors and deficient gum levels. Due to the thin nature of bone at the front of the mandible and damage from disease, there was only enough structure to place one implant. Fortunately, by working with the experts at Opus One Dental Labs we were able to create a beautiful three tooth bridge complete with mock gums. Restorations like this have to be designed very carefully to protect the implant and prevent rotation/unscrewing. The end result looks phenomenal and functions just like natural teeth! If you would like to know more about what we can do with implants, please give our office a call!


Case Presentation: Anterior Crowns


Case Presentation: Anterior Crowns

Everyone wants beautiful and uniform teeth, but can you create a smile too "perfect?" In these before pictures, notice how this patient's teeth are smooth, consistently colored and similar in shape. While these qualities sound good on paper, they add up to a less than natural looking smile. We replaced the older porcelain and metal crowns with brand new Emax lithium disilicate restorations. The incisors were lengthened to fill out the smile line and gentle variations were added to the fronts of the teeth. Additionally, the translucent nature of Emax reacts to ambient light similarly to natural teeth. These small changes better mimic real dental enamel, and thus create a more life-like smile. 

If you would like to know more about our cosmetic dental services, please contact our office. We pride ourselves in creating beautiful smiles customized to the individual patient's wants and needs. Schedule an exam today!


Dental Sealants


Dental Sealants

According to a recent report from the CDC, dental sealants could potentially prevent 80% of cavities in school aged children. They also add that sealants generally save money over a child's lifetime and prevent the eating, speech and learning problems associated with cavities and dental pain. Could your child benefit from a sealant? What is a "sealant" anyways? Keep reading for the full story. 

A dental sealant is a thin layer of filling material placed in the pits and grooves of the back teeth. By blocking out these hard-to-clean areas, we can prevent food from sticking and eliminate spots that are difficult or impossible to clean with a toothbrush. First, the tooth is prepared using gentle air abrasion or an acid etch. We then flow the sealant material throughout the tooth and use a special light to harden it. Finally, we check to make sure the final product is completely smooth and doesn't interfere when your child bites or chews. The entire appointment takes about thirty minutes (varies with number of teeth to be sealed and cooperation) and doesn't require a shot. 

In the past, sealants received bad press for possibly "sealing in" decay or (if improperly placed) creating a catch to trap food. Recent research has shown that placing sealants over small areas of decay actually arrests bacterial grown and has the same effect as removing the decay. Likewise, we use a number of techniques to make sure our sealants are properly placed on clean, dry teeth. We wont let anything but the best leave our office!

Would your child benefit from sealants? Statistically, most children have at least one tooth that has pits or grooves that would qualify for this treatment. However, a complete dental examination is necessary to tell for certain. If you would like to know more about sealants or any other procedures offered at Thousand Oaks Family Dentistry, please give our office a call!


Zirconia Crown and Bridge Replacement


Zirconia Crown and Bridge Replacement

Subtle changes can have powerful effects in cosmetic dentistry! Check out the crowns and bridge patient's before photos. The opaque shade and rounded features gave these teeth a definite "chiclet" appearance. Additionally, gum recession had left the teeth with dark lines surrounding their bases that contrasted with the white porcelain. By working with the Opus One Dental Laboratory, we were able to create new crowns with more lifelike shape and translucency. Even with similar color shades, the new crowns/bridge look infinitely more natural and beautiful in this patient's mouth. 

If you would like to know more about the amazing transformations we can achieve with crowns, bridges, implants and veneers, give our office a call. We specialize in providing the highest quality dentistry with a personal touch. Come see what Thousand Oaks Family Dentistry can do for you!


Case Presentation: Cosmetic Veneer Transformation!


Case Presentation: Cosmetic Veneer Transformation!

Check out this awesome veneer transformation! This patient came to us with anterior teeth that were cosmetically compromised but structurally sound. The patient's left lateral incisor had an aging composite filling, the two central incisors were chipped and all the teeth had uneven staining and decalcification. In cases like this, we like to use zirconia veneers to enhance aesthetics while altering the original tooth as little as possible. 

Teeth are prepared for veneers by removing a small amount of enamel to compensate for the new dimension of zirconia. Once the teeth are prepared, impressions are taken and sent to our lab. You will spend two weeks in temporary veneers while the technicians hone in the ideal dimensions and shade to match your other teeth. The result, as seen above, is a beautiful transformation that looks entirely natural. Modern veneers can make you look younger and create a more vibrant smile with minimal changes to your existing teeth. If you would like to know more about veneers, how we place them and why we use them, please give our office a call!


Dental Implants: Our Office Policies


Dental Implants: Our Office Policies

Without a doubt, implants are the newest and biggest trend in the dental profession. Never before have dentists been able to replace teeth so easily without dentures or bridges. Thousand Oaks Family Dentistry is at the forefront of implant treatment, offering tried and true techniques and procedures. As such, we would like to take a moment to inform our patients of how our office handles implant treatments.

A dental implant essentially consists of three parts: the titanium screw that sits in your bone. the "abutment" that extends above the gum line and the crown that is cemented or screwed to the abutment. At out office, we typically have one of our specialists place the implant screw. They bring years of knowledge and expertise to the procedure, along with advanced technology like Cone Beam CT scanners. All of this allows them to get better results in more difficult areas. Our specialists use Swiss made Straumann implants, which utilize the highest quality components and materials available. We don't want to take any chances with a procedure as sensitive as implant therapy.

After the implant screw is placed, it generally takes three to four months for the bones and gums to heal. In the meantime, we can offer you a temporary denture called a "stay plate" or "flipper" to fill in the missing space. Once the implant is fully integrated, it generally takes two appointments three week apart for us to take an impression and for our lab to create the final crown. While the process is long, implants are the ideal treatment for replacing lost teeth. We avoid having to alter adjacent teeth (as with a bridge) and there is no need for a removable appliance (as with dentures). It truly functions like the tooth that was there before. 

Does our office ever place our own implants in-house? We do, but only in specific cases. Firstly, we do not accept new patients solely to place implants (you must be a patient of record). You must also be healthy, have adequate height/width of bone and only need a single implant. For these patients, we can place implants replacing posterior teeth (molars and premolars). Any case that violates these parameters deserves the expertise and attention of a dental specialist. 

At Thousand Oaks Family Dentistry, we are ready and excited to handle your implant treatment. The first step is an evaluation to check your teeth and discuss options. If you would like to schedule this exam or learn more about implant dentistry, please give our office a call! 


Case Presentation: ZOOM Whitening


Case Presentation: ZOOM Whitening

Take a look at the dramatic change we achieved in this patient using the ZOOM Whitening products. Can you believe this transformation only took a single office visit?

At a typical ZOOM appointment, we start by quickly polishing the teeth to remove any surface staining. Then, a special material is applied to the gums surrounding the teeth to protect them from the bleaching gel. The actual "bleach" is a special formulation of peroxide that is activated using the ZOOM light. The entire session takes about an hour and a half where you can relax, listen to Pandora music, watch cable TV or catch up on your favorite Netflix series! If you would like to know more about your bleaching options or to schedule a ZOOM appointment for yourself, please call or email our office.


Replacing A Lost Crown


Replacing A Lost Crown

Imagine you are enjoying a nice meal when you suddenly notice a strange space open up in the front of your mouth. To your horror, a crown on one of your front teeth has fallen off! Every dental office sees two to three cases like this yearly- as with this patient today. Fortunately, we were able to replace the missing space with a cosmetic Emax lithium disilicate crown. The end result was fabulous- we saved the tooth and improved on the esthetics of the previous crown!

Dental crowns can come loose for a number of reasons. Most commonly, cavities start at the margin between the tooth and the crown and undermine the seal. Once this seal is broken, the crown quickly loses the adhesive and retentive properties that bond it on the tooth. Other common causes of crown loss include trauma, chewing sticky foods and post/core failure. 

If you ever lose a crown, do NOT try to re-cement it (even using temporary crown cement from the drug store). You run the risk of creating a bond so strong that the dentist cannot remove it without damaging the tooth or a bond so weak that it causes the crown to become a choking hazard. Rather, call our office as soon as possible and let us know what happened. Depending on how the crown fell off, what was underneath the crown and if there was any damage to the tooth we may be able to recement it with little modification.

Unfortunately, there is no way for us to determine if the crown or tooth is savable over the phone. Your best bet is to schedule an emergency appointment at your earliest convenience. The longer your tooth stays exposed without a crown, the more likely it is to become damaged through daily use. If you would like to know more about lost crowns and how to protect your teeth, please give our office a call!
